16 Nov Traffic Offense Attorneys
A Necessary Ally in the Courtroom
Speeding tickets happen to everyone. Whether you are running late for work, or just not paying close attention to your speedometer, you can receive a speeding ticket for just going five mph or more over the speed limit. In Louisiana, the Causeway Bridge has been a focal point for police enforcement to monitor drivers because of a number of accidents on this 24-mile bridge in the past. Officers said that on average they write about 1,000 citations per month.
Speeding tickets are pretty expensive in Louisiana. If you are going 15-20 miles over the speed limit, your fines and costs will equal 282.50. If you are speeding over 20 mph, then not only will you have to pay your fine, but you have to appear in court. Most of the time, it’s worth retaining an attorney because the court can be an all day long affair and can take up most of your day. A traffic offense lawyer can negotiate for you, appear on your behalf in court, and do all of the work for you. Knowing when to fight a traffic ticket could end up saving you hundreds of dollars for the offense itself and perhaps even more on your car insurance down the road.
A ticket can boost an average auto insurance policyholder’s premium by up to 22 percent, so it’s worth fighting. Speeding convictions in construction and school zones lead to the highest premium increases. An estimated 40 million speeding tickets are issued in the United States each year, and the organization determines that the average penalty is around $135 to $150 with less than 5 percent of people contest a traffic ticket.
If you are looking for a traffic offense lawyer, Tammy Karas-Griggs has been representing clients with traffic violations with over ten years successfully negotiating charges to dismissal or non-moving violations. Although traffic violations are not typically serious crimes, they are deemed as criminal offenses. In the state of Louisiana there are three levels of offenses:
– Infractions
– Misdemeanors
– Felonies
No matter what type of level of traffic offense you are being convicted of, you need an experienced criminal traffic offense lawyer like Tammy Karas-Griggs to represent your case. From the road to the courtroom, she is here to help the residents of Mandeville and Covington live without the stress of pesky traffic offense tickets looming over them.
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