Do you know when you need a DUI attorney? Driving under the influence is the most common criminal offense in the US. Many safe drivers with otherwise clean records have surprisingly been arrested for a DUI and suddenly found their lives spiraling out of control. DUI...

For some people, their wedding day is one of the happiest days of their lives. However, some couples never make it to their wedding day and not only is this experience painful: it’s tricky. Right now is known as the end of engagement season. Nearly...

Determining a joint child custody agreement can be difficult for everyone involved. When each parent is on a different schedule with work and other commitments, splitting time for their children evenly can be a complicated process. Here are six common ways for parents to split...

Divorce is a life transition that can have a huge impact on many people. It can leave deep wounds on families that get passed from generation to generation. Many times, divorce is filled with anger, blame, shame and despair. Unfortunately, these situations can cause people...