17 Sep Problems With Filing For Divorce | Tammy Karas-Griggs
When filing for divorce, sometimes your spouse won’t sign the necessary paperwork to make your divorce finalized. If you have found yourself in this type of situation, Tammy Karas-Griggs can help! Here are the ways that you can find your way out of this tight spot.
Some resisting spouses can make the divorce process very difficult by refusing to sign the necessary divorce papers or by completely failing to respond to a request for a divorce. Other people may try to avoid the delivery of the divorce paperwork in general.
Judges will treat these situations depends on where you live: some states will allow the divorce to proceed “uncontested” while others allow the petitioning spouse to obtain a default divorce.
Uncontested Divorce
The easiest type of divorce is an uncontested divorce. This means that both spouses have filed the necessary paperwork and they agree to all divorce-related issues, such as alimony, child support, and the division of property and debts.
If you and your spouse have reached an agreement, you can bring your agreement and any necessary divorce paperwork to court, where a judge will review the agreement, issue orders based on the agreement and grant you a divorce.
However, if the agreement involved child support and custody terms, judges will check to make sure your agreement and child support amount is in the best interests of the child.
Entering a Default
If you have served your spouse the proper paperwork, but they have failed to file a written response on time, some states let you submit a request to enter a default. A request to enter a default is allowed when one spouse has been served and fails to respond within 30 days. The court will then set a hearing date and ask that you appear. The judge may issue a ruling based on what is stated in your divorce petition. By failing to respond or appear, your spouse gives up the right to have any say in the divorce proceeding.
Divorce is already hard enough, but when you feel like you are going through it alone, it’s worse. Tammy Karas-Griggs will be there for you every step of the way. If you are going through a situation with your spouse like this, contact Tammy Karas-Griggs today!
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